Relationships and Sex Education

Exercise 10 STIs - Risks and Choices

£ 6.00 each



  • Each character’s STI infection status are written on cards using realistic figures for the prevalence of STIs and youth behaviours.
  • Around 10% have Chlamydia at the beginning of the exercise.
  • After everyone has had 5 relationships, around 75% have had contact with an infected person.
  • The spread of Chlamydia among members of the group is dramatically revealed
  • It is their risk taking and avoidance which determines if they have actually caught Chlamydia or not. Nevertheless, about 20% have almost definitely caught it.
  • STI information sheet allows class to agree that most serious STIs are symtomless. Protection = non-penetrative sex, fewer partners, always using a condom.
  • Class agree on importance of delay, minimising partner numbers and on condom use.
  • Extension involves extracting further STI information from worksheet.


Printed pack includes:

  • E10T Teacher Guide for Exercise 10 "Pregnancy – Risks and Choices" (1 x 8 page A4 booklet) View
  • E10 S1 STI Score cards (4 sets of 9 double sided cards) View
  • E10 S3 STI Info and Qs (8 sets of 1 x A5 sheets) View
DownloadsE10T Teacher Guide for Exercise 10 "Pregnancy – Risks and Choices" (1 x 8 page A4 booklet)

E10 S1 STI Score cards (4 sets of 9 double sided cards)

E10 S3 STI Info and Qs (8 sets of 1 x A5 sheets)

E10 S1 STI Score cards (on A4 Sheet)

E10 S3 STI Info and Qs (on A4 Sheet)