Relationships and Sex Education

Get-WISE (for negotiation) - a key part of our innovative and comprehensive Peer-led SRE

Get-WISE is founded on the idea that healthy sexual relationships are best modelled, understood and managed as a series of successful negotiations:

Session 1 "Starting a Relationship" - Preparing for first moves and uncertain outcomes

Session 2 "Taking things a bit Further" - Negotiations for stopping points and sexual pleasure

Session 3 "Safer Sex and Practise Situations" - 'No condom, No Sex' - stay safe and stay together

Session 4 "Accessing health services" - Get the best out of adults -counselling, contraception, STIs

One hour sessions are presented through the medium of 'Scripted Performance Workshops' in which peer educators aged 15 upwards use dramatic conventions to create characters, narratives and dilemmas which engage and challenge the Year 10 students to find solutions to critical negotiations. Investment in high quality scripts and classroom resources means the ITC supported training takes just a day and fully equips peer educators and schools to embark on this compelling and effective approach.

Essential insights into the anatomy and function of sex organs, non-verbal communication, contraception and protection against STIs are made more personally relevant through the predicaments of fictional characters. This process is greatly enhanced by the social credibility bestowed on the learning context by the older peer educators.

The WISE story

Part of its novelty lies in the acknowledgement that many negotiations of an intimate nature take place with little or no verbal dialogue. These are explored using floor puppets, and solutions are arrived at through interactive theatre techniques. In some schools the fourth session is facilitated by a teacher or a visiting health professional bringing to the class information about local services.

Floor puppets and discussion