Relationships and Sex Education

We have been delighted over the past two years that an anonymous local donor has been very generous in support of the project.

 All the travel expenses for the peer educators' travel to secondary schools for session delivery have been covered.  Promised matched funding from the UK for all localy raised finance and careful financial mangement by the Mzuzu team administrator (Mr Peter Mumba) supported by the chairman Mr Aupson Thole has enabled the project to continue and even expand.  

Every secondary school in Mzuzu, the capital of the Northern Region, and some around the city is able to receive the programme in its abbreviated trial version.

Lack of any major international funding means that the programme can only be delivered in this abbreviated version to Form 1 students while we await being able to expand additional provision to Form 3.

The programme has been a huge success and is very positively endorsed, by students, peer educators (school leavers), parents, Life Skills teachers and head teachers.

We are always delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in supporting this life-saving project.